Check out the 11th Annual Sacred Heart Congress. In this gathering, we heard powerful words from Bishop Earl K. Fernandes in his homily during the Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart, a moving talk by Fr. Joe Laramie SJ about the importance of the Sacred Heart, and a few words from his new book, Love Him Ever More. This Congress also had Fr. Thomas Dailey speak about the power of the image of the Sacred Heart, and he is the author of Behold This Heart. 

I shared about the importance of Devotion and a bit more about the work I do at

Bishop Homily: Starts at 40 minutes into the Broadcast

Fr. Joe Laramie: 1:42 minutes into the Boardcast

Emily Jaminet:: 2:17 into the broadcast

Fr. Thomas Dailey: 2: 35 minutes into the Boardcast