Sacred Heart Enthronement

I am excited to share with you a local ministry that is changing lives and strengthening Catholic families throughout my own community and beyond. Just yesterday, my family attended my parents’ renewal of their Sacred Heart Enthronement in their new home with my siblings and our collective 16 children, and it was beautiful! This ceremony is not only an opportunity to bring loved ones together but is a real solution to many of the problems that impact families today.

Time after time, people who have their homes enthroned say, “our family is different.” The fact is, WE ALL NEED JESUS IN OUR HOMES, so please take a moment to read the following interview and consider dedicating with my parents, Chuck and JoAnn Wilson, the founders of Sacred Heart Columbus and consider dedicating your home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Why do I need to enthrone an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in my home?

The request is directly from Jesus Himself. He told St. Margaret Mary of Alacoque that He would bless each home where a picture of His Sacred Heart is exposed and honored.

An image of the Sacred Heart is more than just a picture. It is meant to draw us toward God and enlighten our soul with Divine Truths.

"Sacred Heart Enthronement Will Help Your Family" by Emily Jaminet (

Copyright 2017 Emily Jaminet. All rights reserved.

What is an Enthronement?

The Enthronement is the official and social recognition of the rule of the Sacred Heart of Jesus over the Christian family or household. It is a recognition affirmed outwardly, expressed and made permanent by a solemn installation of the image of that divine Heart in a conspicuous place in the home and by the Act of Consecration.

The Enthronement is bound essentially to the Holy Eucharist, for it aims to extend the grace of the Eucharist into the Christian home and from the Christian home to the entire world.

The image of the Sacred Heart expresses the true Kingship of Christ who rules over us by giving up His life for us. It reminds each member of the family to make reparation daily for their sins and to serve God and neighbor more lovingly. Jesus gives inspiration and direction to each member of the household transforming them more and more in the image of Christ each day.

“I will reign through my heart, despite Satan and his agents”

~Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary of Alacoque

Why did you start Sacred Heart Columbus, which promotes the Sacred Heart Enthronement?

JoAnn and I attended a Legatus Summit in Naples, Florida 8 years ago and heard about the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in homes and the many blessings that were coming from these Enthronements. We saw that Enthronement to the Sacred Heart was a natural continuation of the work we were already doing with the Columbus Catholic Women’s and Men’s Conferences, which we had been a part of for many years. We were excited about bringing Jesus to people’s homes and minister to local Catholics through these yearly conferences and programs.

After the Legatus Summit, we returned home and started Sacred Heart Columbus with a local priest, Father Stash Dailey, who still serves as our Spiritual Director. At the time, Father was already doing home Enthronements on his own as a way to strengthen families in his parish, and he was able to witness the positive impact it was making by bringing Jesus to people’s homes, schools and businesses. Next, we contacted the Men of the Sacred Hearts in Detroit to learn how they were promoting Sacred Heart Enthronements and began to build our own manual.

Currently, as of today, we have locally 80 Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, which form teams made up of men and women that go around and promote the cause, and they have already enthroned over 1,000 homes, schools, businesses, and organizations. These missionaries gather for prayer, social time, formation, and service to our community. Most importantly, we all love the Sacred Heart and want to bring Jesus to others. One of the highlights of Sacred Heart Columbus was witnessing the Diocesan renewal of the enthronement with our Bishop Campbell two years ago.

Because of the success of this local movement, in 2015 we started a national initiative known as The Sacred Heart Enthronement Network. This is a place where people can learn more about enthroning their home.  There they will find our manual explaining the devotion, everything one needs to know about doing an Enthronement and an image of the Sacred Heart for free. Please check out the website at to assist those outside of the Diocese of Columbus to start enthroning homes in your diocese.

Now besides helping promote the Sacred Heart Enthronements, what is the Sacred Heart Congress?

While the primary Mission of Sacred Heart Columbus is to help spread and promote the Kingdom of Christ principally through the practice of Enthroning the Sacred Heart in homes, schools, and businesses, we also seek to assist the faithful in deepening their knowledge of the Lord and His Sacred Heart through catechesis.

To accomplish this noble task of offering catechesis and spreading the Truth of Jesus Christ, we host a yearly Congress of the Sacred Heart. At the Congress, we gather as a community of the faithful to learn more about God’s love for the human person as evidenced by the mysterious yet definite love of the Sacred Heart for all of humanity.

This free event is a way for people to come to better know and love the Sacred Heart. This year we have Sister Joseph Andrews Bodganowics, OP and Fr. John Paul Mary, MFVA as our guest speakers.  It will be held on Saturday, October 14, from 8 AM to 1:15 PM at Christ The King Parish in Columbus, OH. More information on Sacred Heart Columbus and future Congresses may be obtained by visiting

How has Sacred Heart Columbus helped the community?

Our community needs vigorous and faithful Catholic families to spread the Gospel. When we choose to allow Jesus to reign as the head of family life, he gives us the graces our family needs. The fact is, all families need Jesus more now than ever before. On our website, we share about the amazing fruits and blessings of having your home enthroned! Finally, you can listen to our monthly Sacred Heart Hour show which airs on the First Friday of the month on St. Gabriel Catholic Radio – AM820.

"Sacred Heart Enthronement Will Help Your Family" by Emily Jaminet (

Copyright 2017 Emily Jaminet. All rights reserved.

If people want to learn more how can they reach you?

Visit either or Our missionaries love to share about this devotion and help bring Christ to your community through the image of the Sacred Heart and would love to hear from you!

Copyright 2017 Emily Jaminet