We have begun the Jubilee of Hope and how is the time to allow our families to be impacted as well. Think of your doors at your home as “Holy Doors” where when we go in and out of them as we ask the Lord for graces to embrace our lives and bring hope to others!

“A Jubilee Year is traditionally proclaimed by the Universal Church every 25 years. It is a particular year set aside to encourage the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, to repent of their sins and forgive the sins of others, and to renew a focus on the spiritual life. In the Hebrew tradition, as recorded in Leviticus, a Jubilee was celebrated every 50 years with the freeing of slaves and the forgiveness of debts. In 1300, Pope Boniface VIII instituted the first Christian Jubilee, and since then the Church has designated each new Jubilee as a special year of grace and forgiveness, offering the faithful an opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence.”- USCCB

During the Ordinary Jubilee Year in the Church, Pope Francis recently wrote, “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us, and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision.” What can we do as Catholic families to live this out in our homes?

Here are five suggestions to help your family to be Pilgrims of Hope!

  1. 1. Live Out the Gospel at Home-

As we know a family that prays together, stays together, as Venerable Patrick Payton use to say! I believe it is true as Prayer is an opportunity to open our soul to God. I invite you to Enthrone the Sacred Heart image in your home and ask the Lord to be present! Emphasize daily prayer, acts of kindness, and forgiveness within the family. Make your home a domestic church where the love of Christ is evident. This can be done in simple ways like praying a Blessing before the Meal or helping another family member.

2. Be a Witness to Joy and Hospitality

Who should you invite over for an opportunity for joy and hospitality? Sunday is great day to host a family meal and Rosary. We love to have teens and neighborhood children come and go as a way for them to witness our Faith. I have heard of conversion stories from priests or religious who shared that it was a Catholic neighbor that brought them to faith by how they lived their faith. Open Wide the doors of your home to others who could join your family. I encourage you to invite the pastor or priest to join you as well!

3. Serve Together as a Family

Serve both in the home and outside of the home. Learning to work as a family unit is a powerful way to maximize your family impact in the world. When we volunteer at the parish or help with another in need, we can make a difference.

4. Offer Encouragement and Support to Other Families

Who needs your help? How can you support the families in your life? From offering a meal to babysitting for a few hours- these small offerings can make a big difference.

5. Trust in God’s Providence and Radiate Hope

In times of hardship, remain steadfast in faith and trust in God’s plan. Let your family’s response to difficulties serve as a testament to God’s faithfulness.

Lastly, consider going on a pilgrimage as a Catholic Family to grow closer to Jesus, from visiting a Shrine or even traveling to Rome to walk through these special doors!