Stay Connected Journals for Catholic Women: Exploring the Catholic Classics
A few years ago, I greatly enjoyed Tiffany Walsh’s piece in the Catholic Hipster Handbook, one of the wittiest Catholic books I have ever read! So, when I heard about her newest endeavor with Allison  Gingras, a journal for Catholic women, I was eager to crack it open and review it.  This journal series is the perfect solution for the modern woman who longs for a more enriching faith life but doesn’t know where to begin! I confess, there are times I want to open a great spiritual classic but choose not to because I feel like I don’t have the time or energy to invest.

Exploring the Catholic Classics is one journal in a series of faith enriching journals called “Stay Connected Journals for Catholic Women.”  It presents passages from a collection of the best spiritual works by Thomas A Kempis, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Edith Stein and more in a way that is easy to absorb and work through!  Who doesn’t want to be plugged into great spiritual works in a way that is welcoming and easy to digest?

Life is busy, life is complicated, so check out Exploring the Catholic Classics to help ground you!

My Suggestions for using a Faith-Based Journal:

  1. Keep it by your bedside. Turn off your screens at night and plug into a wonderful faith-based journal!

  2. Buy a new pen that is fun to write with and is just for your journal!

  3. Get a friend or family member a journal too and work through it at the same time so you have someone else with which to discuss what you are learning!

  4. Give it as a gift! Faith-based books and journals make for wonderful birthday and Christmas gifts!

  5. Set aside time to pray, reflect and grow! No matter how busy you are during the day, set aside time to be renewed and refreshed!

May this journal be an opportunity for growth through the inspiring stories, reflections, Sacred Scripture, and insights from the Holy Spirit!