As we embrace this beautiful month of May, my heart swells with a deep sense of reverence and devotion for the Blessed Mother. Why, you may ask? Well, May holds a special significance—it’s dedicated to none other than the Blessed Mother, Mary.
It’s that time of the year when I feel called to dive into the Scriptures, particularly Luke 1 and 2, to reflect on Mary’s pivotal role in the life of Christ. We read about how she was not only the Mother of Jesus but the Queen Mother, Full of Grace and served and loved those around her. She united her will perfectly with Heavenly Father.
There’s a verse from Luke 1:46-47 that never fails to stir my soul: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” These words, spoken by Mary herself, resonate deeply within me, serving as a reminder of the joy that comes from welcoming Jesus into our lives and embracing a life of virtue and faith like Mary. The Blessed Mother also shares, “and all generations shall call me blessed.” Each generation has an opportunity to discover her and learn from her. While at May crowing this morning at our parish, a young boy of the ripe age of three yelled out in a quiet crowd, “I LOVE MARY.”
I couldn’t help but think, I do as well! Mary isn’t just a figure from ancient history; she’s our spiritual mother, a beacon of hope and love in a world often peppered with challenges. I’m continually comforted by the knowledge that she stands ready to intercede for me and each one of us, just as Jesus entrusted her to us from the cross to St. John (John 19:27). Mary desires to help us by providing us more graces from her Son and showing us the true path to holiness begins with embracing our vocation and saying “yes” to Jesus!
Personal and family prayer is essential in living out my faith life. Inspired by the timeless wisdom of Blessed Fr. Patrick Peyton, who famously said, “A family that prays together stays together,” I cherish the moments spent in prayer with my loved ones, especially in the little moments, like bedtime, praying the Rosary, after a long family discussion or when we are in need of grace and wisdom or at a meal time. There’s something truly sacred about coming together as a family, allowing the peace of heaven to permeate our homes and hearts. Oftentimes, these prayer gatherings can be done as a way to express gratitude for all the many blessings of our lives. It isn’t going to “look perfect,” but rather, I recommend just doing it and knowing that you are building a habit of prayer and trust in the Lord and His Mother, one step at a time.
Consecrating my life and home to Mary has been a powerful way to keep our home peaceful. It’s a daily surrender, an invitation for her to mold me in the image of her Son through the power of the Holy Spirit. If you’re curious about consecration to Mary, I encourage you to explore further at When we consecrate, we give our hearts to Mary so that she can help us grow closer to Jesus! When we give our home to Mary, we ask her to keep it peaceful and focused on Christ. We also have a statue of Mary, which is three feet tall, as a beautiful reminder of God giving us a mother to help us.
Throughout the month of May, I find joy in honoring Mary in tangible ways. Whether it’s tending to a Marian garden filled with ferns and flowers, allowing the music in my house to be beautiful and “Mary friendly,” and don’t forget to crown Mary. no matter how small your statue is! Each May, we allow our children to crown Mary after the Sunday night Rosary.
Lastly, let’s not forget the Miraculous Medal—a tangible reminder of Mary’s constant intercession and protection. Wearing it, is a powerful way to gain more graces and spiritual protection from evil.
So, dear friends, I extend an invitation to join me in embracing the month of May as an opportunity to draw closer to Mary. Let’s open our hearts to her guidance, entrust ourselves to her care, and bask in the grace and blessings that flow abundantly from her loving embrace. Let us reflect on her virtues and ask her to help us grow in these areas as well!
- Profound humility
- Lively faith
- Blind obedience
- Continual prayer
- Universal mortification
- Divine purity
- Ardent charity
- Heroic patience
- Angelic sweetness
- Divine wisdom
May we all be more like the Blessed Mother!
With warmest regards,
I found your website by Godincidence, and I absolutely love your writings! I have been growing closer to Our Lady this month, imparticular, and your information on Her virtues has been especially helpful! Thank you for sharing your insights and love of The Blessed Mother!