Dear Lord, Calm my inner chaos, bring peace to my mind, and refresh my soul. Allow me to be a vessel of your living waters and share it with those who need strength. Help me to be merciful to my neighbor and to love You above all things. Amen
Next, Breath in… Breath out….
Thank Jesus for His many blessings. What can you thank God for? Allow your mind to ponder the beauty, the people, the joys that fill your life. Such as the birds of the air, the trees in full bloom, the faces that fill your picture frames or the food on your table. What else?
Breath in… Breath out…
What do you want to share with the Lord? What thoughts keep you up at night? What areas do you want to joys and sorrows fill your mind? Jesus is our friend and longs to connect with us.
I long for Your Heavenly Peace? He tells us that he offers us peace that passes all understanding. When life is hard, we need to cling Jesus and ask Him for His peace!
Breath in… Breath out…
Do you need to forgive someone? Who do you carry around on your back like a heavyweight? Who steals your joy and they don’t even know it! Give it to God! Forgiveness is the secret to freedom!
Who shall you serve? Who is the Lord calling you to serve?
Now, open your Bible and read today’s readings… Seek Him and See Him at work in your life!
*Written by Emily Jaminet, shared in Pray Fully by Ave Maria Press.