Splinters require gentleness and a lot of patience! It is a real task to overcome a young child’s fears with calm words and yet you are required to have steady hands.
Nothing is worse than when a child fights you while removing a splinter so you have to hold them down as you remove the sharp item from a foot or a hand to prevent infection! As a mother, your main job is to remain gentle and remove the splinter as quickly as possible so the whole process is over!
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Our God is a good and gentle God and he wants to remove our sin the “easy way” with gentleness through the Sacraments, but when we don’t give it up, things can get nasty and our whole world can be effected from a brewing infection that may become painful.
Spend some time reflecting on the splinters the Lord is gently asking you to allow Him to remove in your life, and think of yourself like that small child. Remember, removing splinters requires patience, kindness and gentleness. When we turn our life to Christ, he can heal us!